This is bullshit!

I also know how to play guitar lor. Last time when I do this shit, the same thing as happened lar!

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Malaysia 999 so effective until the people have to send accident casualties to hospital themselves!

When we are still at school, we were taught to call 999 if there are any emergencies. Well, I would say that our education system are teaching us rubbish. I have several experience in calling 999 when saw accident happened in front of me from across the road. And guess what? Every time also is the public who know nothing […]

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Pukimak Used Lanciao To Hold Steering

Some pukimak really no brain! See already know these are no space to reverse in for parking, but still his lanciao want to turn the fucking steering to reverse in to park, as if my car doesn’t exist like that! Kena already straight run!  Mah chao hai! Cibai kia! Don’t let me catch you next time! I guarantee I will […]

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Fuck Those Anti Myvi Extremist!

Last weekend, there was an accident involved a Pajero Sport and a few Myvi which happened to be the club member of Familia Myvi Club. There are a lot different story regarding that accident, and I don’t give a fuck, as everyone can tell a different story they want. You can even say the Pajero Sport just come out from […]

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Do Not Feed The Animals! LOL!!!

I sent my clothes to wash in a coins operated laundry. Suddenly, I saw notice which caught my attention in the laundry. Guess where u can go to through the door?

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I’m Back To Bite!

This is what I said, I can no longer say “Fuck You!“, “Pukimak“, “Cibai“, “Lanciao” or whatever International languages words in blog. And now… With this blog with a very cool domain! Muahaha! Why? Not syok izzit? Fuck you lar!

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