Misconception About Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner

Recently I noticed a lot people who commenting on Facebook regarding the Chinese New Year SOP announced by the MKN minister at 4th February. A lot of them, who are not Chinese, seems to have misconception about what is the reunion dinner is all about. The minister call it as “makan besar”, and forbid it at first and second day […]

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The Blogging Business

When talk about blogging, everyone will see it the different way. Some will see it as complete waste of time, some will see it is a way to be glamour, some people will see it a way to freeload on the benefit of the campaign. Some with more noble intention, is to share their knowledge by documenting what they have […]

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Finally, Speech Freedom & Press Freedom Are Back!

Credit: Picture taken from IIUM Today Its been a lot of years, I’ve been refraining myself from writing vulgarly, speaking out voices in my brain, criticize what I think is not right. The reason is very simple and obvious, the unfair law was created and injustice authorities carrying out orders of those who in power to punish and silence people […]

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Why Debian Rocks 

Some of my friends, will know that I was once very active in both Debian Linux and Ubuntu Linux community activities in Malaysia. Although nowadays, the Linux distribution that I mainly support are those enterprise Linux, but still, Debian Linux and its derivatives are my flavored distribution. Why I prefer Debian over the rest? First, Debian is a distro that […]

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What else culture and pride do we have in the future? 

Recently, I’ve seen a lot things that happened.  I’m not talking about what happened in the United Stated of America, but I’m talking about what happened to our own nation, Malaysia.  Earlier, we’ve seen that one of our very important department of our country was shutdown, effective immediately after announcement. Yes, I’m talking about the marketing department that market our […]

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How To Cook Maggi?

Some “expert” said something earlier about being a blogger, have to be “tEGGie” wor. That “expert” also said blogging is no longer relevant already wor. If blogging is already no longer relevant, then why have to be EGGie ler? Eh? Oh, say wrong is “tEGGie”. He, she, erm…. SHim also said that nowadays, using Google to search for information is […]

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Customer Always Right? Lanciao lah!

In the view of most salesman and bosses, customers always right, no matter what. But come on lah! For people who really doing the work, you have to listen and try to understand what they are facing also what! Customer said nonsense thing and want nonsense things, we also have to create for them lar!?  When we already try to […]

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I Need A New Phone

This crack were since more than half year ago. Well, it still working very well. Just that the power button was dead, and I managed to found a shop to replace the power button by modifying it a little to use a Galaxy S3 power button. But then again, I am not able to find the screen to replace it, […]

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No pets allowed!?

From what I remember, Desa Park City is a pet friendly park wor. It is fucking famous for people allowed to bring their pets here wor. You open 1 cafe over here, but don’t allow I bring my pets here, how do I give you business wor!? I was thought of bring my cockroach and my rat to eat here […]

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A Short Story Of A Mongolian Girl

There was a Mongolian girl named Ah Tan-Tu Yah. She was very unlucky to get cheat by his boyfriend to follow him to his country to become his mistress, and she have to work as his translator to hide her real identity. But too bad, one day the guy (we call him Chick lah) wife find out about them. Chick’s […]

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