Why Debian Rocks 

Some of my friends, will know that I was once very active in both Debian Linux and Ubuntu Linux community activities in Malaysia.

Although nowadays, the Linux distribution that I mainly support are those enterprise Linux, but still, Debian Linux and its derivatives are my flavored distribution.

Why I prefer Debian over the rest?

First, Debian is a distro that fully run by the community of developers, and they adopted the spirit of opensource, hence fully embrace the freedom the codes.

Second, Debian is not an enterprise Linux that controlled by any profit making company, therefore, no need to worry about the sudden hike in subscription price.

Third, its kernel is so light where it was compiled to minimal, so it is a best choice for embedded devices since it is so light and doesn’t take much of your system resources. If you need something else, just load the modules as per needed.

The most important thing is, we won’t need to deal with these enterprise distro company, behave like what those proprietary software company, giving us headaches that we don’t want.

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