What else culture and pride do we have in the future? 

Recently, I’ve seen a lot things that happened. 

I’m not talking about what happened in the United Stated of America, but I’m talking about what happened to our own nation, Malaysia. 

Earlier, we’ve seen that one of our very important department of our country was shutdown, effective immediately after announcement. Yes, I’m talking about the marketing department that market our tourism to other countries. 

Shutting down this important department, will cause our country to lose a very big amount of revenue to our country. It is a self sustain industry that bring in a lot of foreign money into our country, hence, it is actually an industry that generate huge income to our country. 

We’ve survived the economy crisis because of income brought in by tourism. Therefore, shutting down the Tourism Malaysia is a very bad move. What is just merely 6 millions of operating cost compare to billions that brought in by tourism? 

Marketing department’s job is to do marketing, you expect them to do the selling and bring in cash on hand? They do the marketing, then tourism spots operator will do the selling. Shops around will do the goods supply. And from the taxes that collected, those are the money that you earn, when these foreigners bring in their currency. 

Then I hear today, the Carey Island will be bulldozed to built a shipping port. Of so many strategic location, why choose this island? This is an island that have a very unique culture, that a lot foreigners come to visit to see this culture and heritage! When this island destroyed, so as the Mah Meri’s culture. In fact, this island should be gazetted as a heritage land long time ago. 

And then yesterday, our pride, the Proton car assembly company that our fellow Malaysian had worked so hard for it, was sold off 51% of its share to a China company named Geely. That Tanjung Malim assembly plant was built with cash, without any loan, and the R&D that the engineers and architect been worked so hard. The pride, has now been sold off.

Perhaps some retards will say “good lar, Proton car so sucks, every technology also copy from other people one”. But then again, think properly, this is how the automobile industry works. Every automobile company also does the same thing in their R&D, and sometimes even joint venture in some R&D. 

Some idiots might think, “It is better if Perodua become our only national car.” Hey? Did you know that the only car that they built themselves was just Bezza? Those Kancil, Myvi, Kenari, Kembara, Alza, Viva were actually just rebatch Daihatsu car? First of all, Perodua is still very young in having their own technology, secondly, they do in fact need competition from our other own brand. 

To those morons that say Proton have no own technology or just copy other car designs. Here is what you need to read. 

Do you expect Proton to build a car with only 3 tayar? Some Europe car company did that before, and that car was a piece of crap. Design wise, I truly don’t see they copy anything until too over. Please note that other Europe brand and Japanese brand also did the exact same thing. Just because it is local brand, then to you it is everything wrong about it, while other brand are not? 

Technology wise, we all know that the first Proton car, Saga was based on a Mitsubishi car, and the first engine Proton used was powered by a Mitsubishi engine. Then slowly, Proton built a prototype engine based on Mitsubishi MIVEC technology. Rumor spread that some Porche technology was used in the engine, but was completely refined that Porche unable to claim any royalty on that. This is what we called a successful R&D.

This modular engine, Campro was so successful that it can become a supercharge engine, as well as a Turbo engine. Hence CPS and CFE engine was born. 

The engines was so successful that Mitsubishi was willing to exchange their Lancer with our Persona and Exora in order to get the rights to use the technology on Proton’s engine and then apply on their existing MIVEC, since Proton engine was based on MIVEC technology and still having the advantage of fuel saving without hybrid turbines. 

But now, the company was sold off, and even the Proton hybrid project ownership will no longer belong to us anymore. 

Now, I wonder what else will be sold off, and what else will be destroyed in the future. What pride we still have, how much more heritage and culture we still remain… 

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