I Need A New Phone


This crack were since more than half year ago.

Well, it still working very well. Just that the power button was dead, and I managed to found a shop to replace the power button by modifying it a little to use a Galaxy S3 power button.

But then again, I am not able to find the screen to replace it, due to the fucking manufacturer had stop producing this model suddenly, and the whole company were shutdown all in a sudden.

Then suddenly they appear back and release some new models. So I tried to contact their customer service, but their old customer service hotline number had change.

I found the new number and called them. Guess what? They say they don’t support this phone anymore! Even spare parts also dun have!!!

The best thing is, any models that they release before, they will no longer support and there will be no spare parts available. If still in warranty ones also, they will not support also! I very pitty those who just bought their phone just before they went disappear last time. Got warranty also like no warranty like that.

Pukimak! How can you start 1 phone brand and do like this 1!? Do business like 1MDB like that 1!?

This phone performance was very good honestly. But now, the screen already crack like this, I still tahan until half year. But now its vibrator dead also, until when I inside meeting, set to meeting mode and missed so many calls.

I really need a new phone now. I am looking forward for some more branded phone. At least they wont operate like how this company operate, discontinue support for the phones that still have warranty!

I am welcome for any brand on the market for giving me a unit to keep and in return I will do full review on the phone.

Samsung, HTC, Hua Wei, Oppo, or whatever brand. All welcome to come contact me lah.

At least I will give more detail review on the hardware specs, its performance and its features, rather than some ppl who just selfie with the phone and consider it as review. Some ppl I even more not syok is, they fucking do review by stating “This phone is very expensive, therefore it is a good phone”, without even show and know what version is the Android the phone is using!

Cibai! These fuckers really sia sui the name of gadgets reviewer lah!

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