Malaysia 999 so effective until the people have to send accident casualties to hospital themselves!


When we are still at school, we were taught to call 999 if there are any emergencies.

Well, I would say that our education system are teaching us rubbish.

I have several experience in calling 999 when saw accident happened in front of me from across the road. And guess what? Every time also is the public who know nothing about first aid are the one who put the casualties into their car and sent them to the hospital.

So, what is the function of 999? They just fucking asking stupid questions until more than 10 minutes,  sometimes more than 15 minutes, then only forward the call to the hospital and you will have to repeat the same shit, telling the same thing to the hospital operator all over again!!!

So what happened to the casualties? They will be either sent to hospital by the public who have no first aid experience at all, or they die on the road while stupid 999 operators asking stupid questions.

I understand that it is important to know the casualties condition, but can’t you despatch the ambulance first before you ask so many questions? The detail can be inform via the comm radio what!

The public sending the casualties is good, but sometimes when there are fractures on some bones, is actually quite dangerous to move the casualties by inexperienced people, such as neck fracture or vertebrae fracture. Mobilizing the casualties can be fatal!

The picture above is after the casualty sent to hospital.
After more than half fucking hour only got 1 fucking ambulance come!

So, fuck you 999!!!

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